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Modern Slavery Act 2015 - Statement

Epion Consulting Limited's (Epion's) turnover is lower than the level that requires us to make a formal Modern Slavery statement. However, we understand that some of our clients will want confirmation that we comply with the principles and requirements of the Modern Slavery Act.


We are clear that Modern Slavery, in each of the various forms it takes, violates fundamental human rights, denies the respect and dignity due to every human person, and by any standard is wrong. We are also clear that it is, to our shame, present in the UK - and that it is a crime. We are committed to defining, sustaining and improving practices that will combat slavery and human trafficking - both in our business (including with our supply chain partners and clients) and through social responsibility-related actions.

How we work

Epion is a provider of consultancy project services to organisations in the UK. We work directly with clients, and as a subcontractor to other organisations delivering consultancy project services to clients. Our services are delivered by our Director and a network of self-employed consultants / micro--SMEs none of whom are currently employees of Epion. These consultants / SMEs are paid on the basis of their contribution to consultancy project outcomes and deliverables.


Our supply chains and partners (to whom we subcontract)

Our supply chains comprise both the above consultants / micro-SMEs with whom we deliver consultancy services to clients, and also those organisations that provide Epion with goods (eg stationery, IT equipment) and services (eg accountancy, legal, transport). Our partners, to whom we subcontract and through whom we on occasion provide services to clients, comprise other SMEs and very large organisations.

Our commitment to combating slavery and human trafficking

Epion combats slavery and human trafficking by:

  • In our own business activities: the nature of our business, our operational model, our not employing individuals, nor having interns or similar, coupled with our commitment to the law and to social responsibility, mean that we will not become directly involved in slavery or human trafficking.

  • All those who work as sub-contractors to Epion (whether micro-SMEs or individuals) have turnovers below the threshold established by the Act. Before contracting with them (and on an annual basis thereafter) for the provision of sub-contract services, we undertake a structured assessment in which we confirm their understanding of their responsibilities, understand their own practices to combat slavery and human trafficking, and confirm their commitment to the same. In the event of any concerns on our part we will not contract with them.

  • In regard to those providing goods and services to Epion, where the organisation concerned has turnover in excess of the threshold we review their own Modern Slavery statement and relevant reporting prior to procuring goods or services from them, and on an annual basis thereafter, to confirm their compliance with the act and opposition to slavery and human trafficking. Where the organisation has turnover below the threshold, our approach is the same as for those who work as sub-contractors to Epion.

  • Where Epion is working as a sub-contractor to a business whose turnover is above the threshold, we review their own Modern Slavery statement and relevant reporting prior to undertaking to do work with / for them, and review this on an annual basis thereafter. Where Epion is working as a sub-contractor to a business whose turnover is below the threshold, we undertake the same structured assessment process as for suppliers to us, before we undertake to do work with / for them, and on an annual basis thereafter.


The following are key roles and responsibilities in regard to slavery & human trafficking:

  • Epion Director(s): Ensuring Epion complies with legal obligations and that this policy is annually reviewed, current, and applied

  • Epion people (sub-contract consultants and any others): all Epion people are required to read, understand and accept this statement, and to raise with the Epion Director any concerns related to slavery or human trafficking raised by activity observed in the course of their work for Epion. 


Ensuring adherence to the above is the responsibility of Epion’s Director(s).  

Contacting Epion

Epion can be contacted in regard to Modern Slavery at, on 07484 194207, or in writing to the registered office.


Nick Smith


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